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“Live School doesn’t just train missionaries who go to the jungle. We train missionaries from the jungle, in the jungle.”  - World Mission Centre

Live School is a comprehensive and portable missions training and discipleship program that trains indigenous believers in rural and urban areas of the world to plant sustainable churches and be missionaries to their own and neighboring people groups. The process is very efficient and practical. Live School is a missions video school taught by an international coalition of practictioners, teaching from what they do. They are passing the baton to the next generation. The Live School contains 28 courses (259 sessions approximately an hour in length) designed to build into a national who has at least a 6th grade education what he or she needs to be a successful full-time missionary.

Live School partners with local churches and pastors around the world to mobilize them to the call of the Great Commission. Live School trains facilitators who will lead a small group of students (local believers and church members) in a classroom, church, or house within the community. It takes approximately five months to go through the curriculum full-time followed by three to five months of practicum outreach. Most schools in the West and Central Africa region are done part-time and are required to be completed within 18 months or less.

The training is intense but very practical. Live School deals with the heart and character of the person first. It is important to identify and allow the Holy Spirit time to minister to the students to heal hurts and help the students through issues of offense and forgiveness. Then the students move into a practical theology section of the school. From theology the students enter a missiology and proven evangelism methods, emphasizing bringing the Gospel to those who have never heard it in culturally relevant ways. The last section of the curriculum portion of the school has to do with Acts of Kindness. Live School is incredibly holistic.

From the outset of an intake of Live School students, the host pastor and facilitator(s) present the students with a vision, a set of objectives to accomplish. The host church is raising laborers to plant churches in areas the pastor and his team believe God is sending them to make disciples of Jesus. This vision is kept before the students, and they pray throughout the course to seek God’s strategy to develop meaningful relationship with and reach these people with the truth and love of Christ. After completing the curriculum phase of the school, the students go on outreach to these targeted locations and people, actually serving and loving those for which they have been praying for months, and actually doing what they have learned in the curriculum phase of the school. Under the host pastor’s guidance, branch churches are usually planted to disciple and grow the new believers that result from the students’ efforts. Some of the graduates often return or are sent back to that location to provide the leadership of the new church(es). Others return to help the host pastor or other churches from which they may have come to attend Live School.

*Live School is a product of World Mission Centre. To learn more about Live School, click here.

Live School

  • Pastors Meetings

    The first step in beginning Live Schools is connecting with the local churches. Making this connection is vital to our mission. This is why we hold Pastor Meetings. In Pastor Meetings, we ask the indigenous pastors to share what God is already doing to reach the unreached around them. We then describe what Live School is and how it can benefit them, fulfilling their Great Commission vision. During our time with them, the Lord reveals to us those that are mission-minded. Our Pastor Meetings are up to two days long.

  • Facilitator Training

    Once we find the mission-minded pastors and connect with them, we return at a later date to train those the host pastor has chosen to facilitate a Live School. The Facilitator Training (FT) takes approximately 3 days. After the Facilitator Training is complete, the trained facilitators return to the host church and recruit mission-minded students to take part in the Live School training. We train one facilitator for every eight students expected to take part in the Live School training. Each host church agrees to use Live School repetitively for five years.