Updated 8/19/2024
Current News
Ministry Update
After we returned home, just three days after Christmas, we had dinner with some evangelist friends. As I listened to my friend Mark discuss what the Lord was doing in their ministry, he began speaking about Disciple Making Movements (DMM). Suddenly, I was aware that the Holy Spirit was speaking to me! I had to bite my cheek to keep from talking!
Back in 2015 I read several books on DMM and was sold on it! I was convinced that we needed to operate by DMM principles to accomplish our mission, but due to other factors out of our control, the timing was off and the vision died. Yet, in an instant, the Lord spoke and RESURRECTED THE DEAD!
When He had me begin cattle ranching, He RESURRECTED THE DEAD! The dream of cattle ranching had died more than 12 years earlier!
When He had me re-enter into ministry, He RESURRECTED THE DEAD! It was more than 15 years after He led me out of ministry that He MIRACULOUSLY brought me back into it.
When I heard Mark speaking about DMM, the Lord was again RESURRECTING that which had died! I’m sure that Mark was unaware of what was taking place in me.