Updated 8/19/2024
Current News
Ministry Update
After we returned home, just three days after Christmas, we had dinner with some evangelist friends. As I listened to my friend Mark discuss what the Lord was doing in their ministry, he began speaking about Disciple Making Movements (DMM). Suddenly, I was aware that the Holy Spirit was speaking to me! I had to bite my cheek to keep from talking!
Back in 2015 I read several books on DMM and was sold on it! I was convinced that we needed to operate by DMM principles to accomplish our mission, but due to other factors out of our control, the timing was off and the vision died. Yet, in an instant, the Lord spoke and RESURRECTED THE DEAD!
When He had me begin cattle ranching, He RESURRECTED THE DEAD! The dream of cattle ranching had died more than 12 years earlier!
When He had me re-enter into ministry, He RESURRECTED THE DEAD! It was more than 15 years after He led me out of ministry that He MIRACULOUSLY brought me back into it.
When I heard Mark speaking about DMM, the Lord was again RESURRECTING that which had died! I’m sure that Mark was unaware of what was taking place in me.
I left dinner asking the Lord to confirm that this was the “NEW THING” that He was speaking to me about back in Chad. “Every fact is to be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses” (2Co 13:1). By January 4, 2024, without a doubt, He had confirmed that this was the “New Thing”…three and four times!
We then began asking the Lord how and when we were to do this. Several times I tried to move forward by adding DMM to our existing work, overseeing WACA for World Mission Centre (WMC). But each time I tried, peace would leave me. I finally recognized that God was asking me to TRUST HIM…to let go of the one, in order to grab ahold of the “New Thing” He had revealed and confirmed to us. After much prayer, on May 6, 2024 we sent Willie Crew, our friend and the director of WMC, a letter of resignation. The letter also explained our intention to continue working in West & Central Africa, specifically to reach the unreached by starting Disciple Making Movements among them with God’s help. Willie and WMC have released and blessed us to follow this new direction.
In June, Willie, Paul (East Africa Regional Director for WMC), Kathy and I met together in Cameroon with most of our Central Africa team. We returned to the US for a few short weeks, during which we let the WMC international team know the news in our monthly Zoom meeting. I, Chip, then flew back to Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire to meet with Willie, Paul and our core West Africa team, letting them also know the news.
We have been so aware of the Lord going before us in this entire process. As WMC assigns the responsibility of WACA to others, we will continue to help in the transition. We are so grateful to Willie & Lydia for their friendship, wisdom and the mentoring they have invested in us over the years. They and the WMC team remain close friends of ours. Our “job assignment” has just changed.
We have some exciting and substantial changes that have recently taken place to share with you. May the impact of these changes result in a greater impact for the Kingdom of God among the unreached. We also pray that you will see the hand of God in what follows.
When Chip & Kathy were in Koumra, Chad in early November last year, Isaiah 42:9 was highlighted to them. Chip remembers asking the Lord if there was something specific He wanted to tell him.
Hear what Chip shared in our recent newsletter:
Please remember us in prayer. Things are always most fragile in their infancy and the enemy often tries to take things out before they become a real threat (Moses, Jesus, the early church, etc.). And yet, HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT!
WACA Updates
CAR & Cameroon
Our team is holding a Frontier Missions Academy in Cameroon where Chip will be going to both Cameroon and the Central Africa Republic this September. He will be meeting up with a man named, Suza from Bangladesh, who has been using the DMM for quite some time now and will be helping Chip train the guys in both CAR & Cameroon during their Frontier Missions Academy training. Chip and Suza will be heading to CAR first for 4 days, then to Cameroon for 4 days. This is a 2 week trip for both of them.
Cameroon - Our team is using Farming Gods Way and are grateful for the opportunity that they were able to attend a Farming God’s Way training to better equip them!
Ivory Coast
Our team has been hosting a full month's Frontier Missions Academy Training since July 1st with 18 students. Chip just got back from there where he expressed the goals of adding this new/old DMM tool to help reach the UUPG & UPG. Chip also invited 22 other missionaries he works with from neighboring countries of IVC. Willie Crew was also there with Chip to encourage and gradually take over the World Mission Centre position Chip held with them.
We are encouraged and our faith is strengthened by all that is taking place in WACA. Much of our team is focused on reaching Unreached People Groups, planting churches and making disciples!