Frontier Missions Academy (FMA)
In the beginning of 2022, the Lord placed on Chip’s heart to create a strategic training program focused on those who have a heart to reach the unreached! Mission-minded believers are trained for three months and then work with our team to go into the Unreached People Groups and develop relationships, bridging the gap. We held our first FMA in August of 2022, which lasted through November. We are now seeing the fruits from this training and are amazed at how these graduates are holding nothing back as they focus on bringing hope to the hopeless! In the summer of 2023, we are excited to be launching our second FMA in Benin and are expecting great things!
Leadership Development Academy (LDA)
Leadership Development Academy (LDA) is a full-time, residential training held in a cross-cultural setting, with students from West and Central Africa (WACA). The LDA student are trained to be facilitators as well as trainers of facilitators for Live School (LS). The goal of a LDA is to build teams to rollout Live School among the churches of each student’s country that the unreached there might become true disciples of Christ. By imparting its values to the student, Sonrise International seeks to transfer its DNA to him or her. The LDA is also used to train LS rollout teams for larger denominations, so that they can use LS autonomously.